
Contact Panda Motel By Email Please!!!

Contact By Email

To ensure your qualification for booking, kindly provide the answers to the following questions if your RESERVATION is MORE THAN 28 DAYS:

  1. Do you need a parking space?
  2. Where do you live now?
  3. Why come here?
  4. Are you Canadian?
  5. 3 Reference landlord letters required for Canadian residents.
  6. Visa required for Non-Canadian residents.

Contact Panda Motel By Phone EMERGENCY ONLY!!!


All Check-in information will be released once booked

Our main Intersection is at the Dufferin Street / Rutherford Road and close to 300 Peter Rupert Ave, Maple, Ontario, Canada.

We will only give our address including check-in details to guests who have successfully booked a room.

  1. The Exact Address
  2. The Main Entry Code
  3. The Room Code.
  4. Wifi Password